Gailloux, C., McClintock, N., Van Neste, S.L., Raymond, J., Barnabé, F., Beaulac, A., Bordeleau, G., Clavelier, H., Dos Santos Brito, J., Flory-Célini, C., Garcia Gonzalez, B., Haillot, D., Lavoie, S., Léveillée-Dallaire, X., Mamifarananahary, E., Maranghi, F., Monfet, D., Pasquier, L.-C., Selliah, S. (2023) CommunoSerre: Enjeux sociaux et techniques des serres communautaires urbaines dans les quartiers défavorisés - Une boîte à outils pour et dé Rapport de recherche, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Montréal, Québec. 49p.
Gailloux, C., McClintock, N., Van Neste, S.L., Raymond, J., Barnabé, F., Beaulac, A.,Bordeleau, G., Clavelier, H., Dos Santos Brito, J., Flory-Célini, C., Garcia Gonzalez, B., Haillot, D., Lavoie, S., Léveillée-Dallaire, X., Mamifarananahary, E., Maranghi, F.,Monfet, D., Pasquier, L.-C., Selliah, S. (2023) CommunoSerre: Issues facing urbancommunity greenhouses in disadvantaged neighborhoods - A toolbox for practitioners and decision-makers. Research report, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Montreal, Quebec. 49p.
Léveillée-Dallaire, X., Raymond, J. , Þór Snæbjörnsson, J., Fujii, H., Langevin, H. (2023) Perfomance assessment of horizontal ground heat exchangers under a greenhouse in Quebec, Canada. Energies 16(5596).
Maranghi, F., Raymond, J. (2023) Numerical evaluation of the benefits provided by the ground thermal inertia to urban greenhouses. Thermo 3: 452-482.
D'autres articles scientifiques à venir!
Gailloux, C., McClintock, N., Van Neste, S.L., Raymond, J., Barnabé, F., Beaulac, A.,Bordeleau, G., Clavelier, H., Dos Santos Brito, J., Flory-Célini, C., Garcia Gonzalez, B., Haillot, D., Lavoie, S., Léveillée-Dallaire, X., Mamifarananahary, E., Maranghi, F.,Monfet, D., Pasquier, L.-C., Selliah, S. (2023) CommunoSerre: Issues facing urbancommunity greenhouses in disadvantaged neighborhoods - A toolbox for practitioners and decision-makers. Research report, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Montreal, Quebec. 49p.
Léveillée-Dallaire, X., Raymond, J. , Þór Snæbjörnsson, J., Fujii, H., Langevin, H. (2023) Perfomance assessment of horizontal ground heat exchangers under a greenhouse in Quebec, Canada. Energies 16(5596).
Maranghi, F., Raymond, J. (2023) Numerical evaluation of the benefits provided by the ground thermal inertia to urban greenhouses. Thermo 3: 452-482.
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